Thursday, October 13, 2011
한국어 연습 #2- pages 29-
나: 네, 미국인 친구가 가르져 줘요. 아주 재미있어요.
~ 여자는 미국인 친구와 영어를 공부합니다~
19. 가: 오늘 시간 있어요?
나: 오늘은 일이 많아서 시간이 없어요. 무슨 일인데요?
가: 영화표 두 장이 상겼어요
나: 아, 미안해요. 다음에 같이 가요.
~여자는 오늘 영화를 보고 싶습니다~
20. 가: 숙제 다 했어요?
나: 아니요 아직 못했어요. 지원씨는요?
가: 저는 다 했어요 숙제를 빨리 해야 해요.
나: 네, 그런데 너무 어렵네요
~두 사람 모두 숙제를 해야 합니다~
21. 가: 오늘 저녁에 산책을 갈까요?
나: 어디로요? (잠시 후에) 아, 옆 동네에 좋은 산책길이 생겼대요.
가: 정말요? 거기로 가면 되겠네요.
나: 그래요. 아직 좀 추우니까 옷을 따뜻하게 입어요.
~여자는 오늘 산책을 갈 겁니다~
22. 가: 오늘 회의가 (meeting) 몇 시에 시작합니까?
나: 회의는 세시에 시작합니다. 보고서 (report) 준비는 (prepare)다 됐습니까?
가: 조금만 더 하면 됩니다. 보고서 준비하느라 (because I was preparing) 어제 잠을 못 잤습니 다. 민기 씨는요?
나: 저도 거의 (almost) 다 해 갑니다. 회의 장소는 삼층 회의장입니다.
~두 사람은 보고서 준비를 아직 다 못했습니다~
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
한국어 연습 #1- pages 25-29
2. 불을(lights) 꺼요
3. 이거 신문이에요?
네, 신문이에요.
4. 숙제가 많아요?
네, 많아요.
5. 음악회를 좋아해요?
아니요, 안 좋아해요.
6. 치금 공부하고 있어요?
네, 공부하고 있어요,
7. 도와주셔서 감사합니다.
천만에요. (You're welcome.)
8. 같이 점심 먹을래요?
네, 같이 먹어요.
9. 가: 봄에는 개나리가 많이 펴요.
나: 네, 정말 예뻐요.
10. 가: 이 식탁 (dining table) 얼마예요?
나: 이십만원이에요
(가격- price)
11. 가: 김치찌개를 좋아해요?
나: 아니요, 너무 매워요.
12. 가: 펜 세 자루 살게요
나: 모두 이천백원입니다
( 문구점)
13. 가: 비빔밥이 아주 맛있네요
나: 네, 여기가 유명해요
( 식당)
14. 가: 요즘 사람들이 많이 가는 여행지가 어디입니까?
나: 요즘에는 북경에많이 갑니다. 중국에가 보셨습니까?
15. 가: 이번 주말에 어디에 갈거예요?
나: 친구와 같이 산에 갈거예요.
16. 가: 어디가 아프세요?
나: 네, 일주에 전부터 이가 (tooth) 많이 아팠어요. 오늘 병원에 가려고요
17. 가: 실례지만 안경점이 어디에 있어요?
나: 저 사거리에서 왼쪽으로 가면 오른쪽에 안경점이 있어요
가: 감사합니다
Sunday, October 9, 2011
October Update
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
End of Year Happenings
Friday, June 3, 2011
Installment #1: Things You May Not Know About Me
Throat Singing- Bored at Home 1 by Banjo Jackson
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Foodly Goods
View Awesome Daejeon Eateries in a larger map
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
New School Year
There is much that is different this year from last year, for instance, I no longer work at two elementary schools- I will miss the small class size of Dong Myoung, the commute, however, I will not, miss. The punctuation in that last sentence was just as annoying as my commute to Dong Myoung.
Aside from only being at one school I have a brand new set of coteachers. My old Shinhueng teachers, Youngers and Amy, have decided that they no longer want to be associated with me due to my ever increasing demands and the fact that my good looks were a major distraction during planning. Not really... I don't have many demands. I miss them already! The good news is we're still friends and they are easily my favorite Koreans in THE WORLD.
My new coteachers seem alright thus far, though we haven't taught together yet so I bite my tongue. It looks as though I will be doing the majority of the planning and teaching when we work together, which is fine by me! I did come here to teach, after all. I recieved my new schedule today: #grade-#class-- 1 hour lunch in between 4 and 5.
Mon Tues Weds Thu Fri
- Free 5-1 6-1 5-1 6-1
- 3-1 5-2 6-2 5-2 6-2
- 3-2 5-3 6-3 5-3 6-3
- 3-3 5-4 6-4 5-4 6-4
- 3-4 5-5 Free 5-5 Free
Notice anything missing? Grade 4, perchance? I'm guessing here... but I'm fairly certain one of my coteachers, and this is a quote of the first sentence in English I ever heard her say, who said, "I don't want to be an English Teacher, but they are making me." Well, she teaches grades 3 and 5 and has 23 classes in total- the fact that I have grade 3 and double classes for 5 means that she will really only teach 9 classes solo a week. Before my old coteacher left the new one asked her if it was alright if she left during class when I am teaching- the answer was "He will probably call the MOE (office of education) on you!" I don't think she'll abandon me, but I don't expect much assistance from her. Anywho, I just like to see all the kids and I'm a little annoyed that I won't get to see grade 4... I'm contemplating an after school club just for grade 4 students. Even then I will maybe only see 10 to 15 of them.
Anyways, I'm glad to be back in school and teaching again! I do feel a little awkward in the Lady's Teacher Room without Younglan around though... but the Guy's Room is smoker-friendly and the lack of my own office really doesn't give me other places to go. That being said, I've slowly been getting closer with other teachers at my school, it's nice to walk around and get genuine smiles and greetings! Some teachers even told me to call them "hyung" or "nuna", Korean for big brother and big sister. Part of the whole Confucian hierarchy idea, but one that I find kind of endearing if you're on the 'in'.
Also, the students are in awe of my hearty sideburns.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
A Novel Quest
As far as the English section goes... well... small. I've recently become fascinated with Mark Twain, so I bought out the entire Twain section- all two books, Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer. Total cost was 15,100 Won- not bad at all! Other than Twain, which I feel very lucky to have found, the pickings were slim. One Hemmingway novel (19,500 won paperback), Lord of the Flies, Of Mice and Men, Johnathan Livingston Seagull (I taught this book two years ago to 7th graders in the US), Harry Potter, Twilight, Chicken Soup books, and not much more... they had a lot of abridged books with both English and Korean- think Heaney's Beowulf- which might be cool? I guess... Anyways, the "Paperback" section was a little despondent, but I still managed to find books to bring home! The best part of the experience was just being in a bookstore and browsing some English books for the first time since my arrival in Korea. There are supposedly more bookstores in Daejeon that await my discovery... I'll let you know how it goes.